| Small and simple is beautiful

Modern software development is beyond broken. Popular practices of resume-driven development, cargo-cult programming, and piling layers upon layers of failed abstractions are only making matters worse. is a digital garden (a custom wiki/blog combination) on these and various other software development issues. Simplicity is a prerequisite for reliability.

Bits (microblog)

🕑 Mar 3, 2025
Bluesky 6 Mastodon 1
The management question, therefore, is not whether to build a pilot system and throw it away. You will do that. The only question is whether to plan in advance to build a throwaway, or to promise to deliver the throwaway to customers.

-- Fred Brooks

🕑 Feb 28, 2025
Mastodon 4
3,200% CPU utilization

"I always thought of race conditions as corrupting the data or deadlocking. I never though it could cause performance issues. But it makes sense, you could corrupt the data in a way that creates an infinite loop."

🕑 Feb 26, 2025
Bluesky 16 (1) Mastodon 7
A TypeScript-types-only WebAssembly runtime

"This engine was built to service a project that aimed to demonstrate why Doom can't run in TypeScript types. Well. The funny thing is.. It can."

🕑 Feb 26, 2025
Bluesky 11 Mastodon 8
Simplicity and elegance are unpopular because they require hard work and discipline to achieve and education to be appreciated.

-- Edsger W. Dijkstra

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