Using navigator.clipboard API - Copy to clipboard in plain JavaScript

📄 Wiki page | 🕑 Last updated: Mar 15, 2023

In modern browsers, you can use Clipboard API to read from and write to the system clipboard.

Clipboard API consists of four asynchronous methods:

It's very easy to use the writeText() method to implement a simple "Copy to Clipboard" functionality.


<input type="text" id="copy-text">
<button id="copy-btn">Copy to Clipboard</button>


document.getElementById("copy-btn").addEventListener("click", function(e) {
  if (!navigator.clipboard) {
    console.error('Clipboard API is not available');

  let text = document.getElementById("copy-text").value;
  navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).then(function() {
    console.log("Copied to clipboard");
  }).catch(function(err) {

If you try to run this code, you should see "Copied to clipboard" text in the console after clicking the copy button.


document.getElementById("copy-btn").addEventListener("click", function(e) {
  if (!navigator.clipboard) {
    console.error('Clipboard API is not available');

First, we're attaching onclick event handler to our "#copy-btn" button, and checking navigator.clipboard is available. We don't want our code to break if it's not, so we will just log an error and return.

  let text = document.getElementById("copy-text").value;

  navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).then(function() {
    console.log("Copied to clipboard");
  }).catch(function(err) {

Then we're getting the text value from our "copy-text" input element, and using navigator.clipboard.writeText method to write it to the system clipboard. Keep in mind that writeText is an async method that returns a promise, and you need to use the promise API directly (like the above), or use async/await.

Common mistake I've seen often is to do something like this:

console.log("Copied to clipboard")

Which will log "Copied to clipboard" immediately after calling writeText (regardless if the operation was successful or not).

Permissions API

"clipboard-write" permission is automatically granted to pages when they are in the active tab, but if you need to explicitly check for the permission, you can use something like this:

navigator.permissions.query({ name: "clipboard-write" }).then(p => console.log(p.state))